Specialized Law Office. Protection in cases of economic crimes

Professional criminal defense in the economic sphere and corruption in Russia (Moscow)

Services for Banks

The return of overdue credits, with the use of the criminal law mechanisms to influence the unscrupulous borrowers. This method of interaction with the borrower allows to quickly influence the debtor, including real owners of the business, and to collect the debt even in the event of insolvency of the company, which formally is a borrower.

Stages of work:

  • Study of the borrower’s credit file to determine the presence of swindling and illegal receipt of credits,
  • Preparation and submission of a criminal complaint,
  • Representation of the interests of the Bank at the stage of pre-investigation probe and preliminary investigation, filing a civil suit within the criminal process and the presentation of interests of the victim in court.

Our lawyers have the unique experience of protection in economic crimes in the banking sphere. Our bureau has been working for many years with a number of banks and financial companies in Moscow and other regions of Russia.